Crystal Anemone Shrimp
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The Crystal Anemone Shrimp are a commensal shrimp commonly found living on sea anemones, and hard corals such as Heliofungia sp. and Euphyllia sp. Their near transparency allows Crystal Anemone Shrimp to virtually disappear within their surroundings, making them a hidden treasure to find in reef aquariums. They are well-suited for smaller nano-style reef aquariums.
In their natural habitat, Crystal Anemone Shrimp also avoid predators by forming symbiotic relationships with stinging anemones, acclimating within their host's tendrils by chemically camouflaging themselves.
Provide the Crystal Anemone Shrimp with plenty of hiding nooks and caves within the live rock, and avoid stoking with carnivorous fish that may make the Crystal Anemone Shrimp a tempting meal.
Like other invertebrates, the Crystal Anemone Shrimp is intolerant of copper-based medications, high nitrate levels, and fluctuating water parameters. It also requires the drip-acclimation process when first introduced to your system. Also, proper iodine supplementation is necessary to promote molting and growth.
To supplement their diet, feed freeze-dried, frozen, pellet and flake foods.