Giant Turbo Snail
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The Giant Turbo Snail is a powerhouse that helps keep live rock and aquarium glass free of algae. This peaceful snail boasts an interesting shell and is a smart addition to your existing aquarium cleanup crew. They have a bumpy shell shaped like a cone generally in varying earth tone colors including white, tan or even brown. The foot of the snail is white with fine black dots. This hardy snail does well in an established aquarium with ample places to hide.
The aquarium should ideally have a large area for grazing and live rock. Since the Giant Turbo Snail uses calcium to build its shell, an adequate calcium level must be maintained.
If sufficient algae are not present, the Giant Turbo Snail's diet should be supplemented with dried seaweed.
They are very sensitive to any level of copper-based medications and prefers a low nitrate level.