Yellow Sea Cucumber
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The Yellow Sea Cucumber has a very striking in appearance. They are bright yellow in colouration and have an elongated body with spikey projections. When feeding, the Yellow Sea Cucumber extends their branchy feeding arms into the current. These are beautiful filter feeders for an established reef aquarium. The Yellow Sea Cucumber requires live rock to provide the nutrients it needs to sustain its health. It will usually find a location with moderate to strong current. It is a filter-feeding cucumber and similar in nature to the Sea Apple. If a small group is kept, spawning in the home aquarium is possible.
They may also reproduce by dividing into 2 individuals. This may come about due to stress, or may be a sign of good health.
The diet of a Yellow Sea Cucumber should include liquid or dried phyto and zoo plankton. They will also benefit from the substrate being stirred regularly releasing bacteria and detritus into the water. When malnourished, they will shrink in size, and may lose feeding arms. If these signs are noticed, increase the number of feedings, and target the cucumber with the appropriate food.
Like other Sea Cucumbers, Colochirus robustus has the potential to poison an aquarium. The chances of this happening are very rare unless the animal is accidentally sucked into an uncovered pump intake or overflow boxes. Be sure to acclimate properly and house with appropriate inhabitants. The drip-acclimation method is recommended to minimize exposure to fluctuating water parameters.
The Sea Cucumber cannot tolerate high nitrate levels or copper-based medications.