AI Prime 16 HD
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The New AI Prime 16 shares the same full spectrum cluster and features as the Hydra 32 and Hydra 64, as a result the new Prime will be called Prime 16HD as the new cluster incorporates 16 LEDs (+1 Moonlight) and the new TIR optic.
At 55W this small but powerful light is perfect for tanks up to 20 x 20 inches or can be used in multiples on medium aquariums.
HD Power
No longer are you limited to using a fixed amount of power per channel, the Prime 16HD dynamically adjusts power available to each colour, borrowing power from the colours you’re not utilising. Giving you the most vivid spectrum your tank has ever seen.
HD Spectrum
The Prime 16 HD Series is capable of producing a limitless number of spectral combinations to fit your tank’s exacting needs.
Dedicated Moonlight
A dedicated moonlight channel simulates natural lunar colour and intensity.
Simple Built-in Control
All AI devices include smart control standard. Use the myAI app on any iOS or Android device to easily set up or program one or multiple AI devices.