Green Scroll Coral
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Colouration can vary from bright yellow, green, brown, grey, or cream with a number of species extending their polyps during the day or night in the home reef aquarium. Caring for the Turbinaria Coral varies from species to species with those that are highly convoluted or with thin plates being the most difficult.
Care of the Green Scroll Coral is relatively easy, making it an excellent choice for the beginner to expert hobbyist. The Green Scroll Coral requires moderate lighting achieved by T-5s, powerful LEDs or the more intense metal halides combined with moderate water movement within the aquarium. For continued good health, the Green Scroll Coral will benefit from the addition of calcium, strontium, iodine, magnesium and trace elements to the water column. The Green Scroll Coral is a peaceful reef inhabitant and does not bother other corals that are placed in close proximity to it. However, the Green Scroll Coral should still be provided with ample space between other corals as it can grow quickly under ideal conditions and potentially encroach upon its neighbors.
The photosynthetic symbiotic zooxanthellae algae hosted within the Green Scroll Coral satisfies the majority of its nutritional requirements. However, the Green Scroll Coral will benefit from additional food in the form of brine shrimp or plankton.