Blue Stripe Clarkii Clownfish
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The Blue Stripe Clarkii Clownfish has a brownish orange base colour with white stripes and an orange forehead when full grown. The Blue Stripe Clarkii Clownfish gets its namesake from the brilliant white markings which overlay the pigment from the body colour beneath which give the stripes a blue hue. The juvenile Blue Stripe Clarkii Clownfish are yellowish orange in colour with white stripes on each side of the body similar to the Clarkii Clownfish.
The female will be the largest of the pair, and two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium.
An aquarium containing almost any anemone type is desirable, In nature they are found to host Bubble Tip Anemones, Ritteri Anemones, Malu Anemones, Aurora Anemones and Carpet Anemones. It is semi-aggressive towards other clownfish and passive tank mates.
The Blue Striped Clownfish diet consists of almost any chopped meaty food items and herbivore preparations.