Blue Throat Trigger
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The Blue Throat Triggerfish is greyish-brown body colour, covered with light-blue spots. The fins are edged in yellow. This species is sexually dichromatic with the male of the species having a darker blue area on the cheeks, hence the name Blue Throat Trigger.
An aquarium with rocks and caves provides a good environment. The Blue Throat Trigger will rearrange the landscaping and rocks. It is said to "talk," which is actually a grunting sound. This species is one of the few triggers that can be kept in the reef aquarium. They are less destructive and will usually ignore coral and invertebrates.
The Blue Throat Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, mussel, small fish and hard shelled shrimp or cockle in shell to help wear down their ever growing teeth.