Canary Damsel
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The Canary Damsels body is a vivid canary yellow colour with long flowing finnage. This species is a mild mannered damsel, and will add vivid colouration and activity to any saltwater or reef aquarium. A hardy fish adapting quickly to the aquarium, this fish is the ideal candidate for the novice or expert alike. Found in the Cook Islands at a depth over 150 feet, this species is not seen often in the aquarium trade, although the they are very abundant in their native waters.
Provide Canary Damsel with an aquarium with lots of rockwork and décor to hide in. These fish should be maintained with other similar mannered fish in a smaller aquarium. Canary Damsels may be kept with passive fish in a larger aquariums, if adequate hiding places are offered.
The Canary Damsel diet should consist of a variety of vitamin enriched frozen Brine shrimp, bloodworms and glassworms, as well as flake or pellet foods for marine fish.