Chinese Blueline Angelfish
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As a juvenile this species can be recognized by its dark black body with iridescent blue horizontal stripes, along with a yellow bar that runs vertically behind the eye. The dorsal and anal fins are outlined in white and the caudal fin is bright yellow. As an adult a yellow to tan body with vibrant blue horizontal stripes identifies this fish.
The Blueline Angelfish is a relatively shy species when first introduced, but will adapt quickly to a well established aquarium. Providing a quietly-located aquarium with non-aggressive tank mates and plenty of hiding places is ideal.
An aquarium with live rock for grazing will also help provide an optimal environment.
The Blueline Angelfish can be prone to nip at stony and soft corals and clam mantles.
They will also graze on microalgae, filamentous algae, and diatoms. Their diet should consist of mysis or finely chopped frozen shrimp, quality marine pellet food, clams, and other meaty items, along with algae and sponge.