Dejong Gramma
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The Dejong Gramma is a small colourful basslet have an orangish-yellow body with magenta-purple pelvic fins and the first part of the dorsal fin (and a little rim all the way to the back) is also purple. In the purple part they've a black spot. and the purple from the pelvic fins 'bleeds' into the belly a little. As tehy get older, this gets more pronounced and they also develop a little blueish-purple in the anal fin.
These fish like the safety of a cave or other hiding spots around the shallow reefs and they can often be observed upside-down under a ledge. In nature a territory is formed in such caves with 1 to a few individuals. In a small aquarium it is best to only house one Gramma, but if the tank is large enough you can try to house a group. Best buy them small and in different sizes to have the smallest change of quibbling among the group.
These fish are planktivores, so make sure to feed them multiple times a day a varied diet of small meaty live and frozen foods like copepods and brine shrimp. Once they're settled in your aquarium they should usually start eating high quality flakes and pellets as well.