Double Saddle Butterflyfish
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The Double Saddle Butterflyfish is white with thin, vertical black lines across the body. The posterior portion of the body is yellow with a black spot on the tail. It also has two black patches on the dorsal of the body and a black eye band.
An aquarium with other butterflyfish, hiding places, and plenty of space to swim is a good environment. It is not an acceptable addition to a reef tank since it will eat mushroom corals, anemones, and stony corals.
The diet for the Double Saddle Butterflyfish should consist of chopped meaty items and algae.
This species can be mistaken for the Falcula Butterflyfish (C.falcula), The Falcula Butterflyfish differs in having yellow colouration on the back and bolder black saddle markings, which are more wedge-shaped and do not extend as far down on the sides as those of the Double Saddle Butterflyfish.