Falcula Butterflyfish
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The Falcula Butterflyfish is mostly white becoming yellow dorsally. It has a series of narrow black stripes on its sides, two patches of black on the dorsal side, and a black eye band. An aquarium with other butterflyfish is a good environment. The Falcula Butterflyfish will eat anemones, hard corals, and mushroom anemones causing problems in a reef aquarium. It should be fed a variety of meaty foods, crustacean flesh, mysis shrimp, frozen preparations. This species can be mistaken for the Double Saddle Butterflyfish (C.ulietensis), The Falcula Butterflyfish differs in having yellow colouration on the back and bolder black saddle markings, which are more wedge-shaped and do not extend as far down on the sides as those of the Double Saddle Butterflyfish.