Femininus Tamarin Wrasse
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The BFemininus Tamarin Wrasse is a moderately sized wrasse that is beautifully coloured. They have an elongated body with a dorsal and anal fin that extends almost the entire length of the fish. Females are primarily yellow in colouration with many vibrant bright blue stripes, and the tail is blue in colouration which lends to its common name.
The Femininus Tamarin Wrasse requires an aquarium with a sandy bottom into which it will burrow to sleep, or if it is threatened. A tight fitting lid is a must, as these fishes will often try and jump out of the aquarium display. The ideal aquarium will also have plenty of live rock for hiding and foraging for food. They make a beautiful addition to the reef or fish only display aquarium and will normally not harm sessile invertebrates, nor soft or stony corals.
The Femininus Tamarin Wrasse diet should include vitamin enriched frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods