Hooded Fairy Wrasse
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The Hooded Fairy Wrasse has a distinctive pattern of colours ranging from rose, pink, orange and yellow with purple-black edging on its dorsal and tail fins. The male and female of this species are very similarly coloured, but when courting, the male will display increased colour intensity. Colours may vary depending on the fish's mood.
The Hooded Fairy Wrasse is a very peaceful, active fish that will bring both colour and activity to a fish-only or reef aquarium of 200L or larger. It will not bother any corals or invertebrates making them a perfect fish for the reef aquarium. A single male can be kept with a group of females that are introduced prior to or at the same time as the male. This wrasse likes to jump, so a tight-fitting canopy is recommended.
When first introduced into the aquarium, live brine shrimp or frozen mysis should be used to entice this fish to eat. Meals should consist of a variety of enriched frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysis and other marine meats.