Kamohara Fang Blenny
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The Kamohara Fang Blenny features an arresting jet black body colouration set off by a horizontal, metallic white line that follows the upper contours of its body, the Kamohara Fang Blenny is truly a delight lending sophisticated beauty and energetic activity to any community reef aquarium.
Originally found in the shallow waters off the subtropical, southern coasts of Japan, the Kamohara Fang Blenny are robust fish capable of tolerating a wide range of temperatures, making it an excellent addition for mixed reef systems or cool water marine aquariums.
The Kamohara Fang Blenny requires a 30-gallon or larger aquarium with ample rockwork to thrive. The live rock provides places to hunt and feed on small crustaceans as well as places to hide. It is not usually aggressive unless the tank mates appear to have a similar shape as it does. Its fangs are more of a defense mechanism used for biting back an aggressive fish.
The Kamohara Fang Blenny should be fed a well balanced diet of carnivorous foods along with a selection of foods designed for herbivores. Due to their high metabolism, the Kamohara Fang Blenny should be offered small quantities of food several times per day.