Mauritius Trigger
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The Mauritius Trigger is one of the smaller triggerfish,but isn't often seen in the aquarium hobby, most likely due to the fact that it isn't imported often and when done, it fetches a high price. With their black and light blue stripes on a white and yellow body, as well as the unusual triggerfish shape with relatively large head it makes an interesting fish for those looking for an uncommon triggerfish!
Remember it isn't reef safe though! It's an omnivore feeding on almost anything from algae and detritus to mollusks, crustaceans, worms and sponges. Corals might also be damaged so be careful when placing this fish in a reef tank. It can also be agressive to other fishes, so make sure you pick the other fishes with care!
They can vocalizes using a "grunting" sound.
An aquarium with rocks and caves provides a good habitat for the Mauritius Triggerfish, however, it will tend to rearrange the landscaping and rocks.
The Mauritius Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.