Pencilled Tang
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The Pencilled Tang is a true standout in the show aquarium thanks to its friendly demeanor, impressive size, and elite status within the hobby. The Pencilled Tang has distinctive orange stripes across its eyes, an orange/tan body, and wavy blue lines covering from head to tail. Its colours intensify in response to threats or to display moods.
In its natural habitat, the Pencilled Tang is generally found 30 feet or deeper on seaward reefs. A larger aquarium with plenty of water movement, large amounts of live rock to provide both plenty of swimming room, and territories within the live rock is necessary.
Although tangs will eat meaty foods along with the other fish in the aquarium, it is important that they are offered plenty of marine based seaweed and algae foods. This will strengthen their immune system, reduce aggression and improve their overall health. Offer dried seaweed tied to a rock or use a veggie clip, and feed at least 3 times per week.