Personifer Angel Fish
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Personifer Angel Fish start out as very dark, almost black fish with a yellow vertical band behind the eye, a stripe on the nose and a yellow rim on the anal and dorsal fin as well as a yellow caudal fin. As adults they're mostly black with a yellow caudal fin which in some individuals is only half yellow. The anal and dorsal fin have a very thin light blue rim. The head is yellow tih white behind the gils and on the ir face is blue with yellow spots.
Like all other angelfish it's hermphroditic and the most dominant fish will turn into a male when there is no other male around.
These fish are quite peaceful but be careful combining them with fish a lot smaller or larger and other angelfishes.
In nature, sponges and tunicates are an important part of their diet.
These fish aren't considered reef safe and you need to be especially careful with ornamental sponges, LPS, tube worms and clams. Keeping them well fed seems to reduce the risk so make sure to feed them a proper varied diet of algae and meaty foods to make them really happy!