Porcupine Puffer
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The Porcupine Puffer has spiny appendages which cover most of its body, which may vary from light grey to mottled tans, sometimes with dark spots. Its teeth are actually a fused beak-like structure. The Porcupine Puffer lacks pelvic fins but has learned to use the pectoral fins to move about.
A fish-only aquarium with a good protein skimmer is a suitable home. It may be aggressive at times, nipping the fins of tank mates and leaving a circular hole as its mark. It will eat invertebrates found in a reef aquarium. It has the ability, when threatened or scared, to inflate its body to almost twice its normal size. Parts of its flesh are poisonous if digested.
The Porcupine Puffer needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.