Sabre Squirrelfish
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The Sabre Squirrelfish is red with silver flecks, they also have long preopercular spines which are venomous. This is the largest species of Squirrelfish.
An aquarium with generous amounts of live rock and plenty of room to swim provides a good setting. A small group is suitable as long as there are adequate hiding places and space in the aquarium. They are a nocturnal fish, hiding while the lights are on and waiting for the cover of darkness to swim in search of food. They will eat invertebrates such as worms (including fireworms), crustaceans, serpent stars and have been known to eat small fish that are able to fit into its mouth. But will not harm corals.
When first introduced into the aquarium, live feeder shrimp should be used to entice this fish to eat. Its meals should vary between live feeder shrimps, freeze-dried shrimps, and chopped marine meats that will move in the water column.