Scribble Boxfish
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The Scribble Boxfish male has a navy blue body with a pale blue outline and spots, it's black back with pale blue spots. The female is a pale yellow with black scribbles over is sides and black spots on its face.
This is a very difficult fish to keep in the aquarium setting by any other than the most experienced aquarist. Use caution if placing the Scribble Boxfish in a reef tank as they will often nibble at tubeworms. When stressed, the Scribble Boxfish releases a poisonous substance, called ostracitoxin, from its mucous glands which will kill other fish in the tank very quickly.
Very little success has been achieved in breeding these fish in an aquarium. When first introduced, the Scribble Boxfish can be fed a diet of live brine shrimp or bloodworms. After acclimatization, chopped squid, clams, mussels, and herbivore preparations can be fed.