Twistii Tamarin Wrasse
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The Twistii Tamarin Wrasse is a moderately-sized wrasse with a sleek, elongated body with dorsal and anal fins that extend almost the entire length of the fish. Towards the rear of these fins are a pair of large, deep-blue eyespots that help protect the fish by disorienting or confusing potential predators. The beautifully coloured YTwistii Tamarin Wrasse is primarily dark blue to purple in colouration with many vibrant bright blue dots. The bottom front half of the Twistii Tamarin Wrasse is bright yellow or gold in colouration which lends to its common name.
For best care, the Twistii Tamarin Wrasse should be housed in an established, well-filtered aquarium. A layer of fine sandy substrate 2-3 inches in depth is essential for the Twistii Tamarin Wrasse as it will burrow into the sand to sleep or to seek shelter when it feels threatened. Do not use crushed coral or other coarse substrate as the Twistii Tamarin Wrasse has a poor survival rate in systems with such coarse substrates. The ideal aquarium setup will also have plenty of live rock. Be sure to arrange your aquarium landscape so there are ample nooks and crannies for your Twistii Tamarin Wrasse to explore, seek refuge, or forage for food. As juveniles, the Twistii Tamarin Wrasse may be kept in numbers but keep in mind that they may demonstrate aggression towards each other when fully grown.
The natural diet of the Twistii Tamarin Wrasse consists of benthic invertebrates and as such, large hungry Twistii Tamarin Wrasse may pick at desirable ornamental invertebrates including fan worms, shrimp, and other crustaceans in the home aquarium. However, the Twistii Tamarin Wrasse typically will not harm sessile invertebrates including soft or stony corals. In the home aquarium, the diet of the Twistii Tamarin Wrasse should consist of a diverse variety of food items including vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods along with high-quality marine flakes and marine pellet foods.