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The Blue Cespitularia is a truly unique colour form making it one of the hobby's most sought after soft corals. The Blue Cespitularia, also called the Blue Xenia, has elegant polyps dressed in a vibrant and breathtaking blue colouration sure to captivate any onlooker. In fact, many aquarists build entire aquascapes around this Cespitularia coral.
Like many colourful corals, the Blue Cespitularia hosts symbiotic zooxanthellae algae within its body. These algae provide the Blue Cespitularia with the majority of its nutritional requirements. However, the addition of zooplankton and other foods for filter feeders is beneficial and helps promote both health and colour development.
The Blue Cespitularia will thrive and adapt to light emitted by a variety of lighting fixtures. Alter their position in the aquarium depending on the lighting fixture. Proper lighting combined with moderate water current within the aquarium will help maximize this coral's growth. To create ideal water movement, use supplemental water movement devices such as power heads or additional pumps.
For continued good health, the Blue Cespitularia will require the addition of iodine and other trace elements to the water.