As a hobbyist, you've probably come across the term "protein skimmer" quite often. This remarkable piece of equipment plays a crucial role in maintaining a thriving reef aquarium by efficiently removing organic waste and harmful substances. In this blog post, we will dive deep into the workings of protein skimmers, explore their numerous benefits, and learn how to fine-tune them for optimal performance.


In this blog we're talking flow. What is flow? How do you create good flow? What equipment do you need for flow? We'll cover power heads, wave makers and return pumps. Welcome to the frustrating world of reef aquarium flow!


Filtering your aquarium is a crucial component of maintaining a healthy stable system. Whilst there are similarities to freshwater fish keeping which have been carried over to the marine side of the hobby there are couple of components which are exclusive to marine fish keeping. In this blog we're going to cover the types of filtration you can set up in your system and the pieces of equipment you will need to enable them.


Let's talk about heating, is it as simple as just sticking a heater in your reef and hoping for the best? Or is there more to it? What are your options for heating your aquarium and what about if you want more control and monitoring? In the blog below we'll cover all those questions and at the end you'll be a heating expert!
