White Cap Shrimp Goby
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If you’re looking for the centrepiece fish for your nano aquarium, look no further. The White Cap Shrimp Goby is very shy and will take some time to get adapted to your aquarium. To ease it into aquarium life, you can add a pistol shrimp. The goby should, at some point, form a symbiotic relationship with the shrimp, which might relieve some of the initial stress.
The White Cap Shrimp Goby is usually offered along with a Red Spotted Pistol Shrimp (Alpheus rubromaculatus)
The White Cap Shrimp Goby comes from a variety of areas, including Fiji, the Marshall Islands, Vanuatu to name a few. It can be found hovering over carbonate-based substrates, often sharing a burrow with a pistol shrimp. This tiny fish is very beautiful and rare, hence its steep price tag. They show up in the UK a couple of times per year at the most, so if you see one and have the money to spare, jump on it right away.